Wolves Summit takes AI Startup Incubator's €50-250K pitching award to Vienna for the first time

Date: 4. 10. 2022
By: Eva Slonkova

VIENNA, Austria - New city, new format, and a continuous goal to connect Central European talent, tech, and innovation ecosystem with the global audience. Wolves Summit, fresh off its sold-out event in May, announced its first-ever event in Vienna, Austria, taking place on October 20-21st. And that's not all. AI Startup Incubator (AISI) traditionally joins the Wolves pack and brings back the investment opportunity for the most promising AI startup of the event.

AISI AI award is waiting for a next innovative tech solution

For the first Vienna edition, AI Startup Incubator returns with the AI award and offers the most disruptive AI startup a funding opportunity of €50.000-250.000

While Wolves Summit Vienna won't host its traditional pitching contest, the event is on the lookout for the top startups and scaleups across CEE to showcase their technology and represent their country in Vienna in front of hundreds of investors and corporate partners. 

With more time dedicated to networking, our team will select and announce the most promising AI startup at the end of the event, giving the winner a chance to skip our standard evaluation process and pitch directly in front of our investment board.

Network your way to a global startup ecosystem

Unlike the Wolves Summit's flagship event, the upcoming Vienna edition is a more intimate international event of 400-500 startups, investors, and executives meeting in the heart of Europe to discuss technology and investments. The 2-day event will be held in weXelerate,Vienna, and online.

"Over the years, the key learnings have been to work closely with key stakeholders across the world to develop a vibrant tech ecosystem and drive economic growth in Central Eastern Europe. For the first time, we are bringing Wolves Summit to a new city poised to become a leading tech and innovation hub. Home to roughly 50% of Austria's startups, Vienna is a perfect destination to host our first-ever edition of this kind."

Michael Chaffe, CEO at Wolves Summit

Call for all AI startups! Do you want to join the success stories of our previous Wolves Summit AI award winners Subly and Pandatron? Join Wolves Summit Vienna and show us how your solution transforms the AI ecosystem!

Learn more about the event and get your FREE online pass or in-person ticket HERE.

See you in Vienna!

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